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Human - Animal Conflict - Challenges For Co-existence Whilst On A Safari

29 Jul 2024

We have all gone on a holiday somewhere some time in our lives. Haven’t we? We must have explored numerous destinations, and for nature lovers, visiting a game reserve or a safari park would have been full of excitement watching animals in the wild from the safety of the safari vehicle when on land, or the safety of the boat when in a riverine cruise.  Watching such animals translates in to loads of fun for a traveller. However, there  is a flip side too. Let us stop to think a little, of the various people involved in monitoring a game reserve or a safari park?   The people who monitor are park rangers, safari guides, game wardens, wild life law enforcement officers, wild life photographers etc.,  and they all have a role in maintaining and preserving wild life.  Their lives hangs in balance as they constantly put themselves in a situation which can be life threatening.  They all work for the safety of tourists, to enable them to carry wonderful memories of a memorable holiday. Make your holiday awesome by booking with Skyway Tour.

Whilst it is important to co-exist with wild life, since we as humans are infringing into the animal space, when we attempt to observe them in the wild. Knowing animal behaviour is important, and understanding the behavioural pattern and initiating appropriate action is sometimes the difference between life and death.  It is for this reason, we should pay attention to the instructions imparted by the naturalists and safari guides. Book your Jungle Lodges and Resorts with us in a single click.

Why does human-animal conflict arise in the first place?

There are numerous reasons and primarily it is the humans who are to be blamed. The reasons can be attributed to expansion in agriculture, settlement of human habitat in close proximity to the forests, over grazing of livestock, illegal poaching, de-forestation, and exploiting of forest resources like for instance setting the forest on fire for commercial gains.  So, with a shrunk forest cover, it becomes a perfect recipe for man-animal conflicts often leading to encounters. 

Human - Animal Conflict - Challenges For Co-existence Whilst On A Safari

What are the measures to be initiated to avoid a human-animal conflict

  1. Creating more Protected Areas and buffer zones;
  2. Steps must be taken to enhance the safety of people and wildlife and to create mutual benefits of coexistence;
  3. Involvement of local communities can also participate in devising measures to reduce this conflict;
  4. The concerned authorities must set out guidelines and propose an action plan to reduce human-wildlife conflict at local level;
  5. Before camping, hiking, or venturing into natural areas, it is advisable to understand with local prior knowledge what to expect and drills to be followed in case of a chance encounter.  
  6. At the government level, initiate a plan to have segregated and dedicated crossing points by having either an elevated over pass or an underpass, depending on the animal behaviour and movement.

How can tourists co-operate in minimising human-animal conflict whilst on a safari/game reserve? 

  1. Adhere to briefings given by the naturalist / safari guide.
  2. Be alert, while moving in the safari park/game reserve.
  3. Avoid wearing flashy clothes, whilst on a safari. A safari is not a picnic.
  4. Avoid making noise while watching the animals in the wild and do not create a situation, where they feel threatened. 
  5. Do not use mobiles while on safari.
  6. Be always together and follow naturalist’s guidelines.


It is important (what is called in forest parlance) to follow the law of nature. Safe distances should be maintained at all times.  For the photo enthusiast, a professional camera will help in creating mesmerising images of the game in action. It would also help in knowing a bit of animal psychology. Therefore, in substance, as a tourist, should we follow nature’s rule book, we will be bestowed with unlimited pleasure and enjoy the safari for optimal benefit. So don’t get late. Grab our offers in a single click at Skyway.